Mission Statement
Wellness Dimensions
One School, One Family, One Community
In this together.
Wellness is an awareness and opportunity to make choices that create a fulfilling life experience. Wellness is active, allowing room for growth and change. Why wellness now? During challenging times, we can go into survival mode. This is often a way we react to moments versus responding to moments effectively. When our reactions versus responses become frequent and more intense, our wellness takes a back seat. A wellness focus will serve as a reminder that we are more empowered than we sometimes feel with more supports than we realize.
Wellness is not a new concept, there are many ways to view the integration of these ideas. Wellness for the Mustang Community will focus on 8 dimensions of the Wellness Wheel. It is important to note these dimensions are not a prescription that must always occur in balance. The dimensions are areas of awareness to assist with changing circumstances. In each dimension section, you will find links for resources to support your wellness with a focus on school resources in addition to your home or community.
8 Dimensions of Mustang Wellness (not in any order of importance, all have equal value)
Emotional: Coping effectively with life while creating fulfilling relationships.
- Coping skills shared by family or peers.
- Connect with School Counseling for skills or resources (School Counseling)
- Connect with the School Wellness center for individual meeting or find out about wellness events or lessons. (Wellness Center)
- Connect with CST if you have a CM (Child Study Team)
Use these links for community resources outside of school.
Atlantic County Community Mental Health Services page
Student Hotlines and Helplines
Parent/Guardian Hotlines and Helplines
Parent Resource Guide for Mental Health, Substance Abuse & Support Group Services
Environmental: Developing a sense of awareness of, or creating healthy boundaries, when possible, to participate in pleasant, stimulating environments that support your health and well-being. Spending time with family, peers, or community members who support your health and safety. Participate in fulfilling activities at school or in the community.
- Atlantic County Tourism and Recreation link
- Linwood City Recreation
- Northfield Events Calendar Recreation
- Somers Point Recreation and Events
- Connect with your school counselor (School Counseling)
- Connect with the Wellness center staff for information on and support (Wellness Center)
- Community Environmental Health link Atlantic County environmental health page
Intellectual: Knowing or developing your creative abilities and ways to explore your knowledge and skills.
- Connect with teachers.
- Read more books or look for more information in areas of interest and areas that are challenging. When we learn new things or challenge ourselves, we create new connections in our brains. The more we practice and learn the stronger these connections become.
- Connect with school activities (Co-Curricular Clubs & Activities) (Hoofprints - Mainland Newspaper)
- Connect with School Counselors (School Counseling)
- Connect with Wellness center (Wellness Center)
- Connect with CST if you have a CM (Child Study Team Link )
Physical: Acknowledging the importance of physical activity, nutrition, and sleep.
- Participate in school or community sports or activities. (Athletics)
- Connect with food services at school (Food Services)
- Connect with professionals, if needed, for more support or tools.
- Connect with Wellness center. (Wellness Center)
- Link to Nutrition resources (resources and links coming soon)
Occupational: If you are old enough to work, finding personal satisfaction in the work you do. Feeling motivated to complete your work based on how the work fulfills goals in your life. Feeling enriched through learning at work or advancing at work.
- Consider jobs available to you.
- Consider internships or volunteering for experience.
- Consider Community Service.
- During Senior year connect with (link to program coming soon)
- Participate in annual job fair (link and information coming soon)
- Connect with School Counselor (School Counseling)
- Connect with Wellness center (Wellness Center)
- Connect with CST if you have a CM. (Child Study Team link)
Spiritual: This area is very personal. It is often shaped by our values, culture, and family experiences. The focus here is to discover or reinforce a sense of purpose & meaning in life.
- Family connections
- Religious affiliations
- Community
- Wellness center for resources in community (Wellness Center)
Social: Developing a sense of connection and belonging to your Mustang Community and outside community.
- Connect with student activities or sports. There is a wealth of evidence that suggests students do better overall in education if they are also connected with student organizations and activities. You will get to know people and feel a sense of connection and belonging within your Mustang community. There are many activities, clubs, or sports to choose from. If it doesn't exist consider creating it! (Co-Curricular Clubs & Activities)
- Connect with your School Counselor. (School Counseling)
- Connect with the Wellness Center (Wellness Center)
- Connect with CST if you have CM (Child Study Team Link)
- Participate in community activities. (Links and information coming soon)
- Participate in activities with family and friends outside of school. (Links and information coming soon)
- At Mainland taking a course in Financial Literacy is a graduation requirement. If you want to learn more there are several other classes you can take during your studies. (Link to Program of Studies)
- Talk with your parents about learning and understanding finances.
- Connect with your School Counselor (School Counseling)
- Connect with the Wellness Center. (Wellness Center)