Academic Team
Members of the Mainland Regional High School Academic Team participate in practices, represent the High School in academic competitions, and prepare questions for and participate in the tournaments we host. These events take place throughout the entire school year and can be either in-person or virtual as dictated by current school policy.
Team members, alternates & managers are governed in their behavior by the general rules and regulations of MRHS outlined in the Student Handbook. As directed by the coach, members of the Academic Team are expected to attend and to participate in the practices and preparations held between competitions. Members of the Academic Team are expected to act at all times in the best interests of the team and Mainland Regional High School.
Members are expected to attend and to perform in all competitions the academic team enters and to be present for tournaments we host (Mainland Mega Mind Mash and THINK Day).
Number of Meetings: Weekly practices (in general), competitions, host tournaments, THINK Day, Nationals (if qualify).